Friday, December 19, 2008

Countdown Live Blog: 12/19/08

For the last time in 2008, we count 32 days until Inauguration Day, 2,059 days since "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, six days until Christmas, 12 days until the ball drop at One Times Square, 42 days until Super Bowl XLIII, 57 days until pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training and just 106 days until Opening Night in Philadelphia for the 2009 Major League Baseball season.

The Tie: Silver blue.

Number 5: "I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath." And with that, Blago says he's going to battle the charges against him eleven days after the fact following being arrested for trying to sell the vacated Obama senate seat in Illinois. He added Kipling in his statement. Wait, he wanted to sell a dead poet the seat? He also slammed Meet The Press as well. Whoa, David Gregory just took over that job this past week, and Blago's already slamming GE. He also thanked all his supporters - sixty upon last count - and wished everyone Happy Holidays. Chris Colizza delivers that fact it was a fierce denial in three minutes or less. Watergate much, Balgo?

And in Minnesota's crazy political Senate voting count out near Lake Woebegon, legitimate former comic Al Franken has now taken the lead over Norm Coleman, and now he's getting desperate and now wants duplicate ballots uncounted. They'll need enough hot dishes to keep them going soon.

Number 4: Bush had decided to allot $17.4 billion to GM and Chrysler in the bailout of America's car makers after Jim Bunning - who was 86'd from a Detroit sports memorabilia show last week for backing the Southern Grand Older Politicos in the original plan killing - provided that they get their house in order by March 31, otherwise, they'd get their money back, and the Republicans who are sleeping with foreign makers, are cheesed off. Like maybe more electric cars perhaps, Treasury boss Henry Paulsen wants the other $350 billion released, and Obama said that our paitence is running out and come up with hard choices. Robert Kutter joins us to state that restructuring is important to 66.7% of the Big Three.

Oddball: The Dawson City hockey team's journey started on this day in 1904 en route to Ottawa and it was a disaster and lost the Stanley Cup playoffs in two games. Speaking of hockey, at The Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field, two Zambonis arrived for the NHL Winter Classic between the Red Wings and Blackhawks on New Years Day, and one of them fell off the truck. Luckilly, no one was hurt and the ice resurfacer wasn't seriously damaged. Meanwhile, in South Korea, a trade deal with the USA added the whole new meaning to "filibuster". Over a year ago, another donneybrook broke out.

Best Persons: 3 - Lou Dobbs said that Canada's PM was "Un-American". D'oh! 2 - Thanks to a hypnotist's act, Darren Corbett gets his addiction switched from tobacco to scampi fries. 1 - At the same Home Depot withtin a week, Gil Steward found $1,000 in a wallet that a man lost for Christmas gifts and mortgage payment. Then found a bag of cash on the floor dropped by a vendor.

Music Segue: En Vogue's "Whatta Mighty Mighty Good Man."

Number 3: The man who was known as "Deep Throat", Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate insider, W. Mark Felt, former Deputy FBI director, passed away at 95. It was his children that asked to out himself in Vanity Fair in May 2002 while investigating the source of the leaks himself, and John Dean, Nixon's White House counsel at that time, tells his side of the story for all of us.

Bushed!: 3 - Decriminalization of gay rights is anti-American. The French are for it and introduced them. 2 - Midnight regulation not under consideration on Global Warming. In essence, the EPA Director overruled the Supreme Court. 1 - Gonzo while as counsel lied with Condi on testimony about the CIA cleared Irani oral clearence claims to uranium there. It looks like Fredo picked a bad year to move Rice's lips.

Number 2: Worst Persons in the World (Last call for 2008):
Bronze - Inanity and former beauty queen Gretchen Carlson tied for the bronze with photos released of president-elect Obama smoked ciggies and wore a hat, saying if the pictures were released during the campaign, McCain would have won. And what was Carlson's talent as a beauty queen? She played the violin, so she's fiddling whilst Inanity is burning.
Silver - The Florida Department of Revenue felt that a man owed fines and faced charges of not being charged a buck and a half in state sales taxes. *palmslap*
Gold - Greta American Insurance via Carl Linder, the company's chairman and former owner of the first professional baseball team, says that three people killed in arson in Houston a few years ago asks that their families of the deceased don't deserve a dollar because it was induced by smoke. Boycott Cincinnati Reds home games in 2009 in protest I say, as they have naming rights to their home on Pete Rose Way.

Number 1: The Tina Fey Evil Doppelganger is still in the Krusty The Clown walking on the rakes mode. Her daughter Bristol is due to give birth sometime this weekend, and her beau's mother was arrested in Alaska's "crystal meth capital," Wasilla, where the evil twin of the star of 30 Rock lives on six drug-related charges. She's out on $2,000 bail and Christian Finnegan closes out the year 2008 with the note that Sarah Palin's staff is unavailable for comment, and Crystal's a good name for a girl.

Yet we all here exclaim as he went out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." But I will have live blogs on the last two editions of Football Night in America on the next two Sundays, and hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

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