Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Death of Michael Jackson

The Tie: Copper with the black vest.

The King of Pop is dead. Long live The King of Pop. Michael Joseph Jackson, 50, died after a massive heart attack today (6/25) in his Westwood home and was transported into the Ronald Wilson Reagan UCLA Medical Center. This is starting early at 7:15 PM US EDT because Keith has signed on early as Hardball was bumped so we see live and pre-recorded chopper shots and gathering crowds from KNBC-DT in Los Angeles, and there is a reporter on the scene. And tonight, it feels like a different show with entertainment reporters in the show on an early start.

People of my generation will ask where you were on August 16, 1977 when Elvis passed away on the throne in his Graceland bathroom or December 8, 1980 when Howard Cosell put a pall on the Patroits-Dolphins Monday Night Football game by announcing that John Lennon was asassinated by a crazed gunman named John Hinkley. Now, people will ask your generation where you were on June 25, 2009, when you heard the news of the passing of Jacko. Al Sharpton is holding a brief press conference right now issuing a statement on his passing. Official word from the Los Angeles Coroner came at 4:38 PM PDT. And as we speak, his fans are growing and many radio stations are suspending regular formats to play all Michael Jackson all the time.

Obviously, due to the nonstop coverage, today's format is being suspended. I'll just leave it at that and see you tomorrow. Lost in this was the fact was that Farrah Fawcett, one of the original Charlie's Angels, lost her batle with cancer at the age of 62.

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