Saturday, May 9, 2009

Meet The New Fixed Noise Contributor!

(Guest posted by JFein from Fire Andy Reid Now!)

Joining Turdblossom and many other fair and balanced right-wing partisan hacks on Fixed Noise is none other than Dana Perino! Yes, the same Dana Perino that was the White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush! Yes, these people actually pass themselves as a legitimate news fair and balanced news organization. Sigh, idiocy (Argh!) has no limits.


  1. Keith's going to have a field day doing that impression of the airline stewardess, uh, flight attendant...;o]

  2. What about MSNBC? Is it a legitimate news organization?

  3. Not necessarily. They have a whole host of problems themselves.

  4. Then again, so do CNN and their sibling, Headline News...
